It is an honor to have good men of God on our team, in the mission field and as pastors to our churches that have been planted all over the world. The men in our Outreach have proven themselves by their character, their work for the Lord, and most importantly their soul-winning efforts.
Each member has a true desire to fulfill the great c
It is an honor to have good men of God on our team, in the mission field and as pastors to our churches that have been planted all over the world. The men in our Outreach have proven themselves by their character, their work for the Lord, and most importantly their soul-winning efforts.
Each member has a true desire to fulfill the great commission given to us by the Lord. Our Outreach and the men we support as church planters have been chosen prayerfully, and we thank the Lord for His leading. Our goals are expanding as the Outreach grows.
Winning souls all over the world will always be the number one priority, but our plans also include:
•Planting Fundamental Independent Baptist Churches using men that have been trained by our team members and will get the job done.
• Starting Bible Institutes and colleges to train pastors in foreign fields.
• Providing support for: Missionaries, Evangelists, Orphanages and Missionary Widows.
• Preaching the Gospel to a lost and dying world. Through God's Word and leading, we will always strive to further the Gospel and complete the Great Commission. We are honored to be a ministry of West Park Baptist Church in Rockwell, NC. Please visit the link below to see how God is using our home church.
We are the Sechrist family. I am the pastor of West Park Baptist Church in Rockwell, North Carolina. Myself, along with my wife Jessica, and my daughters, Leah, Alli and Macy, are blessed to serve the Lord as the Pastor’s family.
The Lord has blessed me in the fact that I was born and raised in a God-fearing Christian home. I was saved an
We are the Sechrist family. I am the pastor of West Park Baptist Church in Rockwell, North Carolina. Myself, along with my wife Jessica, and my daughters, Leah, Alli and Macy, are blessed to serve the Lord as the Pastor’s family.
The Lord has blessed me in the fact that I was born and raised in a God-fearing Christian home. I was saved and baptized at a very young age. God began to deal with my heart as a young boy to preach the Gospel, but I did not surrender until I was 17 years old.
I attended Hyles-Anderson College for three years and finished my degree at Trinity Bible Baptist Institute. The Lord allowed me to serve as an Assistant Youth Pastor for 15 years here at West Park Baptist Church. Through the leading of the Lord, it has been our privilege to be the Senior Pastor at West Park since 2017. Our desire is to be a spirit-filled body that may seek to please the Lord in all areas of our Christian life.
Our church is very mission oriented, and it is with great delight we partnered with Bro. Craig Bryan to be the base church for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. It is our desire to be part of a great work in reaching the foreign fields with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to work for the night is coming, and that the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. We want to be faithful in reaching souls until the Lord comes back to claim His bride.
-Pastor Billy & Jessica Sechrist
I am Missionary Todd Painter, founder and former pastor of Lincoln Baptist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. I have been in the ministry for over twenty years and have served fifteen of those years in the pastorate.
I was saved in 1978 after a convicting Sunday night service. I was a deputy sheriff for almost five years when God called me into
I am Missionary Todd Painter, founder and former pastor of Lincoln Baptist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. I have been in the ministry for over twenty years and have served fifteen of those years in the pastorate.
I was saved in 1978 after a convicting Sunday night service. I was a deputy sheriff for almost five years when God called me into full-time service. I then resigned my position and attended Bible College in Longview, Texas. After graduating, I was ordained and sent out to start a church in Lincoln, Nebraska. During the fifteen years that I had been leading the Lincoln Baptist Church, the city of Lincoln had become one of the most major refugee relocation centers in the United States. Through this church I reached many people from Southeast Asia and through this outreach my heart was bonded to the people of Southeast Asia, in particular Thailand.
On January 1, 2018, my son Jonathan became the pastor of Lincoln Baptist Church. My wife, Tammy, along with our daughters Rebekah and Debbie and I have recently reached the mission field here in Thailand. Please pray for us as we reach souls in the 17th most unevangelized nation on the face of the earth. It is our honor to join with the Ron Middleton Missions to reach more souls for Christ. We look forward to what the Lord has in store for us as we work to plant churches and grow in His grace.
-Todd & Tammy Painter
My name is Mark Holmes. I was called to the ministry at the age of fifteen, five years after I was saved. I graduated summa cum laude from Hyles-Anderson College. During my senior year, God placed on my heart to reach the people of Nigeria. I met my wife, Sabrina, at Hyles Anderson. She was studying music education and served in the Bible
My name is Mark Holmes. I was called to the ministry at the age of fifteen, five years after I was saved. I graduated summa cum laude from Hyles-Anderson College. During my senior year, God placed on my heart to reach the people of Nigeria. I met my wife, Sabrina, at Hyles Anderson. She was studying music education and served in the Bible Clubs, deaf ministry and traveled one summer with a tour group. After graduation, she taught fourth grade at her home church’s Christian school. While newlyweds, we worked in many departments and aspects of our sending church. We started full-time deputation at the end of May 2003.
In June 2005, we began our first term as missionaries in Nigeria. In our years on the field, we have worked diligently to see souls saved, train and teach the nationals through our college and institute, plant churches, hold youth camps, conferences, and other ministries all through the churches we have begun.
Through our church planting we have seen graduates of our college and institute start forty churches. That is why teaming up with the Missions Outreach will be so important. The young men we train as pastors will have the support, they need to start churches and see souls saved. That is the ultimate goal of our ministry. It is the desire of our heart and the hearts of our six children, Joseph, Victoria, Brian, Noah, LaDonna and Aaron to spend our lives serving the Lord.
-Mark & Sabrina Holmes
My name is Kevin Wynne. I was born into a strong Roman Catholic family in 1956. In 1958, we moved to Carlsbad, CA. My parents were good people, but I had never heard the gospel. At the age of thirteen, I fell into a bad crowd. I ran with a gang of drug users for two years. I was almost 16 years of age and had no desire to live. I entered
My name is Kevin Wynne. I was born into a strong Roman Catholic family in 1956. In 1958, we moved to Carlsbad, CA. My parents were good people, but I had never heard the gospel. At the age of thirteen, I fell into a bad crowd. I ran with a gang of drug users for two years. I was almost 16 years of age and had no desire to live. I entered my bedroom and removed a rifle off my gun rack. As I placed pressure on the trigger, the thought of what would come next entered my mind.
As a Catholic, I heard of hell. My desire was to escape life's problems, not have it worse in hell. Lowering the rifle, I picked up my mother's Bible. I began to study the Bible. After two weeks, I found that salvation was not in seven sacraments, but in the blood and redemption of Jesus Christ. On my knees, in my bedroom, I received Christ as my Savior, and my life was totally changed.
For over two years, I studied the Bible on my own. No Christians had ever witnessed to me or told me about Salvation. At the age of seventeen, God called me to the mission field while I was reading Matthew 28:19-20. At the age of 18, I sold everything and set off backpacking/hitchhiking for the Mission field of South America.
Traveling through Mexico, Central America, and the Amazon jungle in Brazil, I tried to win souls. With long hair, a beard, the clothes on my back and two knives, I carried my Bible telling others about Jesus. Most people would not listen. Not being trained as a soul winner, I had no results.
One day as I stopped in a mountain town in Peru, something amazing happened. A man, in broken English witnessed to me. I was unable to fully understand, so he took me to his Pastor. The Pastor took his Bible and showed me all about the Lord. Though I had already been saved, I was baptized that day.
Months later, I went back to the States and for two years attended the West Coast Baptist Church. While there, I witnessed to my parents, and they were saved. I then went to Hyles-Anderson College. There I met and fell in love with my wife, Deborah. We now have eight children.
We went to Mexico City in 1984, starting from nothing. We knocked on doors and held Bible Studies. After four years, we bought a piece of property for our church. That first year, we grew from baptizing 40 a year to four hundred. The church has rapidly grown over the years, and we now average 9,000 on a normal Sunday.
Our goal is to start seven hundred churches in Mexico and five hundred in South America in our lifetime. We have a Bible College. So far, we have had six hundred churches started by our graduates.
Working with the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach will help us to reach our goal even quicker. It is an honor to be part of this team of men who are working diligently to get the job done for Christ. We look forward to being part of the team.
-Kevin & Deborah Wynne
My name is Rick Martin. The last thing I would ever be is a missionary. That was until Missionary Bob Hughes came to visit my home church, First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, in March 1976. Bro. Hughes was dying of cancer. That night he was only able to speak for a few minutes, but when he was finished, I turned to my wife, Becky, and
My name is Rick Martin. The last thing I would ever be is a missionary. That was until Missionary Bob Hughes came to visit my home church, First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, in March 1976. Bro. Hughes was dying of cancer. That night he was only able to speak for a few minutes, but when he was finished, I turned to my wife, Becky, and told her we were going to the Philippines.
We arrived in Iloilo City in October 1977 and shortly afterward started a Bible study in our apartment. Most churches are started as a result of Bible studies. In April 1978, Iloilo Baptist Church was born. Iloilo Baptist College was started in June 1978, with the goal of starting churches. The first graduating class of IBC was in 1982. Most of the graduates go into rural areas to start churches. With limited populations, some of the graduates have started a second church and been a pastor to both.
In 1990, the Lord impressed on my heart three new ways to start more churches. One was to send out graduates to other countries. I made a trip to Haiti and soon after, a young man on our church staff surrendered to go there. After two years of deputation in the Philippines, he left with his wife for Haiti. There are now five graduates of IBC who are missionaries in Haiti, Zambia, and Uganda. These men have started their own Bible Colleges. It was also in Haiti where I met a missionary who shared with me how some of the graduates of his Bible College had started nighttime Bible Institutes for married men. Like Haiti, it is very difficult for married men in the Philippines to go off to Bible College. When I returned to the Philippines, a challenge was given to the graduates of IBC to train married men in their churches to become pastors. The third way the Lord impressed me to start churches was by encouraging a few of our more experienced graduates to start Bible schools to train young single people. The Lord has blessed these four ways: starting Iloilo Baptist College, nighttime Bible Institutes for married men, Bible schools for young people, and sending missionaries to other countries, to start more churches.
The Philippines, for the 43 years we have lived here, has been very receptive to the Gospel. The people of Iloilo are especially open. There are many open doors. The Philippine Constitution allows churches to send their workers into the public schools and teach their religion on a volunteer basis. Many teachers and principals, who have never accepted Christ, welcome us to teach the Bible. Special people groups like the deaf, educable slow, street children, lepers, blind, patients in hospitals, prisoners, etc., are hungry for our great Savior. There are countless opportunities.
That is why we consider it an honor to become part of the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach Team. We look forward to working together to see more men trained, more churches started, and most importantly, more souls saved. Becky and I are grateful for your prayers and interest in what God is doing here in reaching great and wonderful people, the Filipino people.
-Rick and Becky Martin
My name is Robert Mickey Jr. I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, attending the Cleveland Baptist Church. It was a Friday evening, November 12, 1976, at a revival meeting preached by Evangelist Al Lacy that I finally settled my eternal destiny. Just a year later, on December 25th, 1977, God called me to be a missionary to Africa.
I attended Fairh
My name is Robert Mickey Jr. I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, attending the Cleveland Baptist Church. It was a Friday evening, November 12, 1976, at a revival meeting preached by Evangelist Al Lacy that I finally settled my eternal destiny. Just a year later, on December 25th, 1977, God called me to be a missionary to Africa.
I attended Fairhaven Baptist College where I met my wife, Wendy. After our graduation, God sent us back to Cleveland Baptist Church to serve on staff as missionary interns. Three years later, we began our deputation to go to Kenya and arrived there on January 1, 1998. God blessed us with five children that we raised in Kenya. They are now grown and all of them are attending good, solid Baptist Churches. In Kenya, God has been better to us than we deserve. We organized the Grace Bible Baptist Church on December 5, 1999. Out of that church, many other churches have been started throughout Kenya, with scores of people coming to Christ.
In 2000, the Rift Valley Baptist College started. We now consistently have around one hundred students. Our graduates are pastoring good, solid churches all over Kenya. Through the years, while serving in Kenya, God brought about circumstances that opened our eyes to the needs found in countries surrounding Kenya, countries that are difficult to reach and have seen some of the worst atrocities take place in modern times, countries that not many people were willing to go to and take the gospel. In 2009, a new missions ministry was started out of the Grace Bible Baptist Church called Grace to the Regions Beyond. Since 2009, churches have been started in Burundi, DR Congo, and inroads made in Rwanda and South Sudan. Branches of our Bible College have opened, men are being trained in these countries, and the future is bright in getting the gospel to these needy places.
We are so thankful for the opportunity to partner with the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. This partnership will allow multitudes of people to hear the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ in Kenya and the Regions Beyond.
His for Kenya, and the Regions Beyond,
Robert & Wendy Mickey
Bro. Andrew McCullough and his family are missionaries to the Congo.
Dr. Jeffery J. Fugate became the Pastor of the Clays Mill Road Baptist Church in May 1991. There were eighteen people his first service as pastor. The church has grown to an average of one hundred members per year for twenty years. God is dynamically using Dr. Fugate in leading the church to record attendance, to start new outreach minist
Dr. Jeffery J. Fugate became the Pastor of the Clays Mill Road Baptist Church in May 1991. There were eighteen people his first service as pastor. The church has grown to an average of one hundred members per year for twenty years. God is dynamically using Dr. Fugate in leading the church to record attendance, to start new outreach ministries, and in helping his church members experience personal revival and Christian growth. During these years, the church has started Commonwealth Baptist College, Clays Mill Road Baptist Academy, and many other ministries.
When Dr. Fugate was a young boy, God led his father, Sam Fugate, to start the Bible Baptist Church in Hazard, Kentucky. There was tremendous opposition to the work, but God blessed that ministry in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky in a marvelous way. The church was setting records for attendance and salvations for any church in that region. Many were called to full-time service and are still in the ministry today. In 1983, cancer invaded Sam Fugate’s body when he was only 38 years of age. He went to heaven in 1985 at the age of forty. The church called Jeff Fugate to become pastor at the age of twenty-one. He pastored there for five years, and God continued His wonderful blessing on the work. In 1991, God led Dr. Fugate to leave that thriving work to become pastor of Clays Mill Road Baptist Church in Lexington.
Dr. Fugate and Clays Mill Road Baptist Church have recently been instrumental in starting twenty new churches in Kentucky and other states. Dr. Fugate has authored several books and preaches regularly at national conferences. We are honored to have Bro. Fugate with us to help plant churches in America! It is abundantly clear that America needs the Lord. Our focus is reaching the world, and it begins here at home. Bro. Fugate will join us as our American Church Planting Representative. We will work with him and Bro. Wayne Fann (our Missionary Contractor) to purchase and remodel buildings all over America to become Independent Baptist Churches. Once a church is established, Bro. Fugate will provide graduates from Commonwealth Bible College who are ready to go to the field. Those Pastors will start a church home in these buildings with our continued support.
We are the Brown Family, members of West Park Baptist Church. We count it a great honor to be Field Representatives for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. Our family has always had a big burden to give to Missions, but we never could have dreamed that God would allow us this opportunity to help raise support here in the states for the m
We are the Brown Family, members of West Park Baptist Church. We count it a great honor to be Field Representatives for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. Our family has always had a big burden to give to Missions, but we never could have dreamed that God would allow us this opportunity to help raise support here in the states for the missionaries that are out there already getting the work done! We are excited and humbled to be a part of this great outreach. I was saved at the age of seven, my wife at the age of twelve, and each of our precious children, (Brianna, Abbie, and Tyler), were saved at the age of six years old. My wife and I have been involved with the Bus Ministry throughout the years, and my wife served in the music program as a church pianist at our previous church for over twenty years.
God began working in our family last year (2019) when our oldest daughter, Brianna, (thirteen years old at the time), began writing and composing songs. God began opening many doors of opportunity for our family to sing and travel, and it was through her music that He led our family to West Park Baptist Church. We knew in our hearts God had something else besides music to do for Him, and 3 weeks after joining West Park, God laid it on Bro. Craig Bryan’s heart to ask our family to pray about being Field Representatives. When he asked us, we knew without a doubt that this was what God had been preparing our family for over the last year. With no hesitation and complete peace from the Lord, we gladly accepted this position. We eagerly await to see what all the Lord has in store as we seek to serve Him with all of our hearts!
-Jonathan & Amy Brown
My name is Donna Swinson. I am honored to be the secretary for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. My husband, Jeff and I are members of West Park Baptist Church. After being saved thirty years ago, we have dedicated our lives to serving the Lord through our church. My husband is a deacon, runs a bus route for "special" adults, and toget
My name is Donna Swinson. I am honored to be the secretary for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. My husband, Jeff and I are members of West Park Baptist Church. After being saved thirty years ago, we have dedicated our lives to serving the Lord through our church. My husband is a deacon, runs a bus route for "special" adults, and together we teach Sunday school. I have been the church secretary for over twenty-three years. We are both active soulwinners.
We truly love the Lord and feel extremely blessed for this opportunity to help in the Outreach. Though my part in the team will be spent at my desk and behind the computer, I pray the Lord will use me to be of service to all those out on the field getting the job done.
God Bless;
Jeff and Donna Swinson
My name is Abbey West. I am so excited to be a part of the office staff for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. My husband Cody and I are members of the Outreach base church, West Park Baptist. We met here at West Park as teenagers and have recently gotten married. We are excited to see what the Lord has for us.
I was saved at the age of
My name is Abbey West. I am so excited to be a part of the office staff for the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach. My husband Cody and I are members of the Outreach base church, West Park Baptist. We met here at West Park as teenagers and have recently gotten married. We are excited to see what the Lord has for us.
I was saved at the age of nine at a youth camp in Asheboro, NC. In my early teenage years at a Youth Conference in New Bern, NC, I decided I would serve the Lord in any capacity I could with my life, and I have not turned back since.
I am so blessed to participate in different areas of our church, including music ministry, youth ministry, bus ministry and more.
I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this great work for The Lord.
Abbey West
• We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God as written without error.
• We believe in the preservation of scriptures in our English text (King James Version).
• We believe in the Genesis account of creation and the fall of man.
• We believe in the total depravity of man.
• We believe all are lost unless born again.
• We believe that we are saved by grace through faith and without works on the part of man.
• We believe in the security of the believer.
• We believe that Jesus Christ organized a church while here on earth during His personal
ministry (before Pentecost), and that He gave that church a commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
• We believe that there are two church ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
• We believe that the church is local, visible, and that she has the Bible for her one and only and
all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.
• We believe that the way to finance the Lord’s work is by free-will offerings.
• We believe that all churches should be missionaries.
• We believe in the pre-millennial second coming of Christ.
• We believe that Heaven is a real place and that Hell is a real place.
• We believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and these
are one.
• We believe in confrontational soul-winning (by giving the gospel to a lost and dying world.)
• We believe the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all our unrighteousness.
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